From 8 to 10 October artists, active for the Plus-X-Creative Foundation, will come visit you during the day to create a drawing together or a poem about what the neighborhood personally means to you.
Everything is possible, as long as it can be drawn on paper. We will bring paper and markers with us!
From door to door, we would like to give residents of the Agniesebuurt the chance to express their vision of the neighborhood. To visualize what’s happening in Rotterdam Noord. To show us what you are proud of.
Your creative message and that of your local residents will be exhibited in December in the Meshprintclub (Agniesebuurt) in a series of collage screen-prints. Admission is free. During these activities, we take into account corona measures active at that time.
Everyone is welcome to join the Agniesebuurt exhibition. On the opening day December 5th from 11:00 to 17:00u you can experience the silk screening process and see how your designs are printed onto textile and paper.
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The non-profit foundation Plus-X-Creative was founded in 2015 by three creatives from the Netherlands: J. Koolen (city council, banjo musician, Rotterdam), H. Kwee (photographer, Amsterdam) and X. Gottenkieny (musician & artist Rotterdam). They met during cultural events and shared the passion to perform and to spread music and art. With this foundation their main aim was to play an active and supporting role in building a platform for creative empowerment.
These are exciting but also challenging times for the creative entrepreneur. Apart from trying to keep up with the fast changing world of technology, we’ve seen the emergence of necessary initiatives such as the ‘Platform for freelance musicians’ and the ‘Fair Practice Code’. Inspired by these positive movements, we want to help stimulate the emancipation of the artist, musician, dancer, performer and many other creatives.. .
We focus on cross-border projects / platforms where different artists and media come together. We seek collaboration with organizations that work with groundbreaking (‘realtime’) software technology.. We invite musicians and artists to explore the possibilities of these platforms and to what extent it enables musicians in developing their professional practice. We challenge artists to experiment and create new work at an accessible level with innovative technology.. Now and in the future, we will be able to reach more places where music and art are less obvious.
On March the 8th we organized a special ‘Mesh it Up!’ edition at the MeshPrintClub. Besides fantastic concerts and performances given by Tinyloops & Monster 3D Incubator and Kanipchen Fit we also had a T-shirt competition! First prize shared winners were Margriet Killian and Juninho Wouter! The designs were printed by Eden Simhony.